
God Has A Plan - Lessons From the Story of Joseph

God has a Plan! In this split-sermon before the webcast audience of the Atlanta and Buford congregation, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in both churches, shows how God worked out his plan for Israel over hundreds of years. This culminated…

You'll Never Be Abandoned By God

Have you ever felt that someone has abandoned you? Even God? Jon Beam discusses whether God will abandon us.

Promises to Abraham-Part 2

God's promises to Abraham that were passed on to Isaac and Jacob and the blessings to Manasseh and Ephraim.

From the Pit's to the Palace, lessons from Joseph

Joseph's life is one of high's and low's. For a time, you could say his life was " The Pit's" and that is something we all can relate to! In due time, God did raise him up and reward him…


A review of the life and lessons learned from Joseph

Showing your Faithfulness to God

In our spiritual walk with God we encounter challenges and trials. In this message we are going to look at the life of Joseph and his example of faithfullness.

The Feast of Trumpets, Are You Ready To Rule?

Have you ever wondered why, with all of our shortcomings, God calls us? The Church of God has never been free from persecution in some form. People outside the Church of God suffer as well. What is in it for…

A Lesson in Forgiveness

1. All are debtors to God, 2. None of us can pay our own debts, 3. Christ payed our debts, 4. Since our debts are forgiven, we are expected to forgive others, 5. The unforgiving will never come to their…

The Father's Favor

When examining the life of Joseph, we discover three critical elements. What can we learn from this example to apply to our lives?

Ministry of Reconciliation

Having just finished the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread Holy Day season, we are mindful that as we carry forward the lessons of putting leaven out of our lives through the rest of this year, the replacement for that…