
Biblical History of the Arab Peoples

The background and origin of the Arab peoples is discussed starting with the founder, Abraham.

Destination: Promised Land

Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses the Holy Land - past, present and future - and why it has such an important place in God's heart and His plans. [Note - the video discussed has been…

God's Desire for Israel

God considers that Israel is His nation. Anyone wanting to come to Him must be joined to Israel. All who have the Holy Spirit are now spiritual Israel. All those who were part of physical Israel will have their minds…

America's Roots

As America pauses for the Fourth of July, many will stop and recall the great history of this nation and remember the sacrifices so many made that we might enjoy the freedoms we have today. Some will trace our history…

Bible Study: United States and Great Britain in Prophecy

Our guest speaker Mr. Darris McNeely addresses God's promises to Abraham as they apply to the US and Britain.


Paul, in Romans, used a double metaphor when discussing circumcision saying a man was a Jew if he was one inwardly and circumcision was of the heart; an inward change, not an outward physical change. This was a a drastic…

Another Look

A review of God's blessings through Abraham down to today - modern Israel.

Three Little Thoughts

In this sermonette, we examine bible verses that deal with the ocean, earth, and heavens. We use these concepts to describe God's glory.

God's Blessings to Abraham

Salvation is not a right of birth, but the descendants of Abraham are blessed in this age.

The Word of God is the Foundation of Knowledge

We here in the US live in a very blessed land. The first reason is because God has blessed the descendants of Joseph as He fulfills the promise of national greatness that He made to Abraham so long ago. Secondarily…