Sermon: A Prayer for the Bold

A Prayer for the Bold

We win our battles by taking a bold stand. An early experience of the church shows us how to come boldly to God for help.

Dare Greatly

Jesus Christ set high expectations for His disciples. However, He also provided them power to do what He asked of them. The same still applies for us today!

Being Like John the Baptist

You might know who John the Baptist was, but do you know what he did? More than eating locusts and being beheaded, John the Baptist paved the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. From this example, we can learn…

Lessons From Esther

Esther's example of faith is instructive for all of us today. This message reviews three key lessons we can learn from the story of Esther.


What does it mean for Christians to be meek? And how can we be meek in a world that simply doesn't value meekness?

How Do You Feel?

When we overcome challenges by the help of God, our faith grows strengthened in Him. As such, we must never cower in the face of challenges. Rather, we face them head-on, being bold in the Lord.

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Children have the ability to speak what is on their mind. Jesus recognized this quality and used it as a teaching lesson for us to perfect our praise.

Joshua, Felix and Emergent "C"

In 2014, a skydiver set a new world's record for both height and speed as he jumped through the stratosphere from a balloon. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses his amazing feat in…

5 Qualities of Bold People

As Christians we are called to be bold people. In this sermon Kyle Bornhorst covers 5 qualities that bold people posses.

Doing Our Best to Glorify God

After the completion of the fall holy days, let's go forward with confidence, faith, and determination to glorify Christ in all that we think, say, or do. This message focuses on how Paul did this -- boldly and unashamedly according…