
Jesus Christ - the Bread of Life

We recognize the leavening represents sin during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. But what about the Unleavened Bread itself? What does it represent and do we really need it in our lives?

Missing the Mark Less - Hitting the Mark More

In a sermonette before a webcast audience of Atlanta and Buford brethren on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread, Michael Bannen asks what is the purpose of Unleavened Bread, and what is the meaning of sin.

Passover Symbols

Since many will be keeping Passover at home for the first time, this message helps explain why we choose the type of wine that we do. What to do with the unused bread and wine. How to dispose of it…

The New Testament Passover Symbols

The second sermon on the symbols of the New Testament Passover.

Jesus Christ is the True Manna -- the True Bread of Life

In John 6, Jesus Christ discusses the Old Testament manna in relation to Himself. Why did He do that? What do we learn about the life and work of Jesus Christ from Old Testament manna?


As we approach the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, we see the significance and the symbolism of bread; bread that truly nourishes believers for eternity. Let’s look at some of the scriptures that define this life source.

Meals in Old Israel

This short message of general interest summarizes evidence for what the ancient Israelites used in their meals. The time period is roughly that of the Books of Kings and Chronicles up to the building of the Second Temple. Also included…

The Seven Lessons I have Learned

Learning spiritual lessons from cleaning out our homes of unleavened bread.

Yeast, Pride, and Unleavened Bread

Peter Eddington -- 3/20/19 What's the important connection between yeast, pride, and the Days of Unleavened Bread? Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay Area congregation may be searched by date, presenter name &/or title at,%20CA

A Gift for Jesus Christ

We'll consider two questions: (1) What did Jesus Christ give to His disciples on Passover evening and beyond? and (2) What is given to Jesus Christ that directly relates to Passover? There's more meaning in the answers to these two…