
Jesus Christ - the Bread of Life

We recognize the leavening represents sin during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. But what about the Unleavened Bread itself? What does it represent and do we really need it in our lives?

Passover Symbols

Since many will be keeping Passover at home for the first time, this message helps explain why we choose the type of wine that we do. What to do with the unused bread and wine. How to dispose of it…

1 Corinthians 10-11: Honor God, our Appearance, and Passover

In an on-going series of sermons on Paul's letter to the Corinthian church, Philip Aust discusses the issues that Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 10 & 11. This includes the way to honor God in a pagan society, what God…

Passover Package

We need to assemble the parts (1. Preparation, 2. Passover 3. Days of Unleavened Bread) according to God’s instruction book to have a successful Spring Holy Day Season.

Christ's Last Passover

The Passover that Christ fulfilled in 31 A. D. was the most important day in all of man's history. The sacrifice that Christ made had been planned from before creation and necessitated by the sin that men had committed from…

Pre-Passover Self Examination

Change and sacrifice are the keys to a happy, fulfilling and godly life. At this time of year, with the approach of the Passover, God expects all of His people to engage in a spiritual examination. Michael Bannen, who serves…

How to Partake of the Passover in a Worthy Manner

We are told that before we take the Passover we must judge ourselves. The question then is how do we properly do this? In this sermon Mr. Smith shows us that one of the areas we need to consider is…

Prepare the Passover

When Christ gave the command to His disciples to 'Prepare the Passover,' what did that mean to them? What did it mean to Him? Let's look at this command and the likely two different mindsets going into that evening. One…

Do This in Remembrance of Me

A look at what we are to remember at the Passover and the importance of those symbols of 1 Cor 11:24-25.

God's Feasts: Five Questions For Passover Preparation

As we begin (or continue) our spiritual preparation for the Passover, there are certain areas that we need to consider. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford, GA, congregations, discusses five (5) key areas that should…