
Maintaining God's Joy in Your Life

How can we maintain joy in today’s world? Where does true joy come from? How can we build God’s joy in our life?

Preparing the Bride of Christ

How is God preparing us, preparing His family to assist Him in the Kingdom of God, and why is God preparing us?

Days of Unleavened Bread and Preparing the Bride

How can we prepare for becoming the "Bride" of Christ? We can by learning about obedience and submission to God.

Our Father in HEAVEN

Where does the Bible state that our Father resides? And what is its implication for you as a future member of the God Family?

Raised with Christ

We are called to be raised to be with Christ, both now and at the Resurrection. Salvation involves a process of seeking first the Kingdom and God's righteousness, which requires diligence by all involved. The will of God is that…

The Greatest Love Story

A great wedding feast will be coming and we as the Church of God will be the bride. While we are called to prepare for this feast we don't often look at what Christ as the groom has done, is…

Preparing for the Wedding Supper with the Lamb

Coming back from the Feast is a good time to ask ourselves some questions. Are we preparing for the wedding of Jesus Christ to His bride? Let's explore some important questions today as we consider this.

The Bride – Making Herself Ready

The Feast of Trumpets has many meanings – one is for the bride to make herself ready. What does this mean? What is the bride to be arrayed in? We will see what the righteous acts of the saints are.

The Glorified Firstfruits

On the Feast of Trumpets a group of people rise to meet Christ in the air - the Firstfruits! Just who are these people and what does the Bible reveal about them? In this sermon message, Dr. Steve Holladay covers…

Is This a Bride of Christ Issue?

This sermon explores who will be the bride of Christ in the first resurrection.