
Your Brothers Keeper

Do we truly care for one another as ought to with the agape love that God wants us to have?

Do You Love Your Brother?

Just before His crucifixion, Jesus gave His disciples a New Commandment; they they would love one another, just as Jesus had loved them. How are we doing in this regard? Who is your brother? Do you love your brother? It's…

How Is Your Brother?

The essence and core of beliefs which we strive to practice is based on Biblical principles. We will examine one that is pivotal to see why it is so important.

Our Elder Brother

Join this Feast of Tabernacles Family Day Sermonette as we are reminded of how God the Father continues building His Family through our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ.

Are We Our Brother's Keeper?

In this sermonette, the speaker shares an inspiring feast story and asks the question "Are we our brother's keeper." The speaker shows how we need to care, pray, and serve our brethren in Christ and prepare for a fruitful Feast…

Where Were You?

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 9/14/19 Where were you on 9/11? If we are over 20 years old, we know exactly. And, as in this past week we remember 9/11, we also now look forward to the annual reminder of the Fall…

Loving Our Enemies

Even if we cannot change our enemies, we are to change ourselves to be like Christ.

Be Right!

Matthew 18 can lead to unity in the Body of Christ, but only if we put a Godly mindset first.

See We Do Nothing to Cause Our Brother to Stumble

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/2/2019 We each bring different life experiences to the Church of God and these differences can cause friction and difficulties within a congregation. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth looks at Paul's teaching to the church at Rome…

Clearing the Slate

This message offers two personal stories on forgiveness, a reconcilation for offenses, and a response to mistreatment that follow the guidelines set in Matt 5:22-24 and Luke 6:27-28.