
Sharing our Burdens

We are told to share one another's burdens, this message provides a few thoughts on how to fulfill this great command.

Sharing the Burdens

We bear our individual loads. How can we help those around us to help share the burdens they carry?

Let Go and Let God

In His call to follow Him, He tells us to cast our burdens on Him. When we suffer trials, we know that God is perfecting us.

God Gives Us Refuge

Do we really depend on God? Even when it is not a time of great need? Do our sins distance us from God and his protection? In the light of the California fires, Hargarten encourages us to put our trust…

Making a Christian Difference

The way to make a Christian difference is by having a close relationship and fellowship with our Holy Father and His Son, and we must have that same fellowship with each other.

Casting Your Burdens

What do the burdens we bear in life today, have to do with the Millennium? The actual burden may have nothing to do with the Millennium at all, but how we handle the burdens of life may.

The Feast In the Kingdom of God

The Feast Days point us to the plan of God. Without celebrating the Feasts we would soon become spiritually dead. God admonishes throughout the Bible of this fact.

Casting Your Burdens

The idea that true converted Christians don't go through trials or have burdens is not true. We will have burdens sometime or other in our lives, and the Bible gives us instruction on handling them. If we do it God's…

Share Your Energy People!

When we are beset with trials, it's sometimes tempting to withdraw from others, to become emotionally isolated, put your head down and suffer through alone. But we're told in Romans 6:2 to share our burdens, and so fulfill the law…

The Yoke Of Christ

Just what exactly did Jesus mean when he said my yoke is easy and my burden is light?