
Do You Wholly Follow the LORD?

This message provides a biographical review of a biblical personality whose uncharacteristic vision, resolve, and courage spiritually speaking stood head and shoulders above his contemporaries at a crossroad in time which proved to become a major tipping point in the…

Facing the Giants

At times in life we have the giant that crosses our path. Some of these giants are physical, but often they are our own mental, emotional, or spiritual giants. We all have giants. What are the giants in your life…
What do you focus your thoughts, energies and actions on each day? What is at your core being? Everything we do throughout the day should be focused on glorifying and honoring our God.

Do All to the Glory of God

As you carry out your daily activities and responsibilities, how can you fully put into practice the biblical instruction to revere your great Creator?

Joshua, Felix and Emergent "C"

In 2014, a skydiver set a new world's record for both height and speed as he jumped through the stratosphere from a balloon. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses his amazing feat in…

Wholly Follow God

God desires that we have a relationship with Him and His son Jesus Christ that is above all else and that we put them first in our lives in everything. This means that we must be spiritually driven in all…

Caleb Followed God Fully

How can we follow in the footsteps of Caleb? Caleb went down in history as a hero of Israel from the seminal beginning of the nation. His life is a pattern which we must learn to mimic. He followed God…

Caleb, the Other Man of God

Lessons to be learned from the example of Caleb, a man of God.

Caleb's Legacy

Caleb set a good example for his family and stood up for Gd when the other Israelites forgot God.
Old milk jar with a honey jar in front.

Milk, Honey, Giants, or God?

Is your focus on the giant or the promise?

Stepping Into the Lifeboat

Sometimes we must make difficult decisions in life. Our choices will and do impact our lives.