
Friends, Family and Faith

We're fasting this weekend, partly to "look to the needs of others." We were reminded in the calling for this fast that "We have brethren around the world in desperately poor places...whom we can't even directly help at this time…

Leave the Corners

Throughout God’s word there is instruction to make sure that those who are poor and in need are taken care of and provided for. This requirement of Christians continues to this day and will be a key aspect of how…
A homeless man sitting beside the road with a sign asking for help.

What Does the Bible Say About the Homeless and Homelessness?

As Christians, we absolutely need to care for those who are in need.

Gimme That Old Time Religion!

Caring for each other and people around us is a major part of being Christian. James gave us what he called "Pure and Undefiled Religion before God - which is what we will look at today.

Let's Get Moving!

In many ways, temperature can be considered to be a function of the kinetic energy of the molecules within the substance being investigated. At a molecular level - the difference between the motion and spacing of individual molecules dictates whether…

Life Lessons From The Birds

We can see many lessons for life in the things we see around us, but what lesson can we learn from the birds?