
Works and Fruit of the Holy Spirit

The holy spirit is the very essence of the divine dwelling in us that convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment. God gives us his spirit so we can glorify him by manifesting his righteousness in our lives. God expects…

Convicting the Carnal Mind: the Holy Spirit at Work

Convicting the carnal mind: the Holy Spirit at work In the world, in the Church, and in you. The Holy Spirit always convicts. What is the outcome?

Keep Looking Up

We don't see the world as it really is... we see the world as we are! If our thinking is carnal, or distorted... that is how we view and interpret everything. If our thinking is spiritual, we view and interpret…

1 Corinthians 2 & 3 : Reasons For Division in Corinth

In a newly begun series of messages on the book of 1st Corinthians, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, goes through chapters 2 and 3, focusing on the divisions that plagued the Corinth congregation.

Crucified with Christ

Join us for this excellent video sermon about being Crucified with Christ. Are you Crucified with Christ? Join us for the answer to this question and many more.

Jesus Christ, Man Of War

Too many people wants a gentle Jesus. He is going to come back to change the whole world. He will forcefully put a stop to evil.

What Is Human Nature and How Did We Get It?

What kind of nature did God put in mankind - good, or evil? Was our basic nature changed by Adam's sin so that all people are now born evil? What does the Church teach? In this split-sermon, Bob McCurdy discusses…

Don't Believe Everything You Think

We are blinded by our own human minds. Carnal mind is enmity against God. God's thoughts are not our thoughts.

The Gift

Do you want to live your life without fear? Do you want the power to live by every word of God? Do you want to learn to love as God intended, make wise decisions, and think clearly? Then truly submit…

Did God Create the Carnal Mind?

Did God create the carnal mind in humans? Is this the result of free will?