
Be At One With God

Neither only repentance nor only sacrifice is enough for atonement. The be at one with God, we need personal repentance, and we need the blood of Christ's sacrifice to be applied to us, which is possible through baptism.

Confronting Failure

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/29/19 Failure in business, failure in relationships, failure in life – we will all fail. The question is how we respond? In this sermon, Tim Pebworth asks that we confront our failures and examines causes and responses…

Faithful in Little

Christ said that those who would be faithful in little would also be faithful in much. We often take this as an admonition to do well now in this life so that we will be rewarded with much in the…

See We Do Nothing to Cause Our Brother to Stumble

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/2/2019 We each bring different life experiences to the Church of God and these differences can cause friction and difficulties within a congregation. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth looks at Paul's teaching to the church at Rome…

Beware the Court of Public Opinion

It's common nowadays for people to try their causes in the Court of Public Opinion, and to seek to influence others to take on their cause. But folly and shame can be the reward, not only of those who resort…