
What Is Character?

Godly character involves having Him write his law in our hearts and minds and then setting out to be a doer of his word? Have you put the development of character at the top of your " to do "…


The world works against us and pressures us to conform to it’s values. Each and every day we must actively work to make the transformation process more complete.

The Life of Joseph

Put yourself in the sandals of Joseph. How can his experiences guide your life? What can we learn from his struggles and triumphs? You have a future and a hope, no matter in what circumstances you currently find yourself. Live…

The New Normal

What will happen to our daily lives when the coronavirus restrictions are lifted? Will things go back the way they were? Should they? This sermon discusses what your "new normal" should look like.

Allow Change

Research has shown that people tend to get attached to their initial impressions of others and find it very difficult to change their opinion, even when presented with lots of evidence to the contrary. When we look at others, do…

As in the Days of Noah

We are gathered before God today because this is the first Day of Unleavened Bread. We have put leavening out of our homes for the next week to be reminded of how pervasive sin can be in our life. This…

The Heeling Feeling

When expressed properly the feeling of anger can be the beginning of healing for you or someone else. It is very important to know that the emotion of anger is not a sin. The challenge resides in processing it in…

If Not Now - When?!

Our assignment since being called by God is to change, to grow spiritually. It is human nature to procrastinate change; we may even put off spiritual change. We need to ask - and act on - "If not now -…

All Things Work Together

Romans 8:28 is one of the most memorized verses in the New Testament. But do we really understand what is being written here? What does God mean "for good"? How do we love God and what is His purpose? Let's…

Today's News Supports the Wisdom of God's Food Laws

With the recent outbreak of the corona virus epidemic worldwide, mankind needs to take a new look at the food laws that God established in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. The source of this virus has been pointed to humans…