
The Power of Perspective

In examining the biblical story of David and Goliath we see that even though each of its characters participated in the same event all but one individual viewed it from a hopeless perspective. In this message, discover not only how…

Don't Be Afraid of the Light

As we start the new year, we should take some time to analyze our own lives. Are we putting away the works of darkness and moving into the light of God's way of life. 1 Peter 2:9 tells us we…


Looking at the translations of the words from scriptures that are translated to the word "conversion" or "converted". God says to turn back to Me.

Renewal, Instruction, and Training in the "Paideia" of God's Way

Our society benefits greatly from those that have gone before us; inventors, philosophers, mathematicians, linguists, and biblical teachers. Over the generations discoveries and efforts of those men of character and perseverance have grown into dominant features of our lives. They…

So You Want To Change the World

This world needs to change; do you know what to do? How and when will you know? Here are some basic answers.

What Are You Willing to Give?

When the nation of Israel came out of Egypt, they failed in leaving behind their old ways, because they could never change the source of all their sins. As we make our journey towards the kingdom of God, what are…

Not Doing Something

The days of unleavened bread have help us remember to change bad habits, change our routines, and to focus on doing good, and having humility.

The Passover of Exodus 12: Our Journey

In the first message on Exodus 12, we looked at the physical journey made by Israel out of Egypt. Today we'll look at spiritual parallels from Exodus 12 and our journey out of sin and to the Kingdom of God!

Change Is Mandatory

God is unable to use us as we are. A transformation is mandatory. We are preparing for the greatest change in the history of mankind. That of being changed and brought into the very family of God. The key is…
Media Production

Lessons from a Fly: Part 4

Here is how to stop doing the same thing over and over.