
Going Up To The Mountain of the Lord

When Jesus Christ returns to Earth to establish the Kingdom of God, the world is in for some major changes. Not only will government change, but so will the thinking of all mankind!

The Coming Change in the World Order

The world we live in is rapidly changing. Domestic and international political upheavals lead us to wonder where all this will end. Bible prophecy shows a very different world order in the end time than the world we know today…

Renewal, Instruction, and Training in the "Paideia" of God's Way

Our society benefits greatly from those that have gone before us; inventors, philosophers, mathematicians, linguists, and biblical teachers. Over the generations discoveries and efforts of those men of character and perseverance have grown into dominant features of our lives. They…

So You Want To Change the World

This world needs to change; do you know what to do? How and when will you know? Here are some basic answers.

The Day of Small Things

Some individuals throughout history have had a tremendous impact on others. But for us, this is a day of "small things" (taken from Zechariah 4:10) where our influence on the world around is strictly limited. Is that something to be…

I’d Love to Change the World, but I Don’t Know What to Do

I would love to change the world but I don’t know what to do. There is One Who can, and our celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles looks forward to this.

Are You New Wine?

Christ is not coming to "put new wine in old wineskins" that is He is not coming to rebuild Satan's society, but He will destroy it and start all over.

Yom Teruah

Presented on the Feast of Trumpets 2017, David Jones describes the meaning behind the Hebrew title for the Day of Trumpets - Yom Teruah! There's more to it than just a blowing of a few trumpets, it's a spectacular noise…