
His Wondrous 'Omni' Characteristics

Speaker: James J Malizia 4/11/20 Location: Orinda In this message presented by James J Malizia on April 11, 2020 it is discussed how we can find great solace and comfort in thinking on and praising our loving God in that…

Repentance as Reinvention

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 1/11/20 Repentance is a foundational doctrine as described in Hebrews 6. What is repentance? What are characteristics? And, are we following a process of self-examination. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth explores these questions with an intention of…

Walk As Children Of Light

God is light and the Father of lights. He sent the true light, Jesus Christ, into the world that we might learn what it means to walk as children of light. In that process, we are not only to walk…

Characteristics of Children

Mr. Wells reviews the blessing of the little children found in the gospel. He discusses a few characteristics of children that we should display.

The ABCs of God's Character - Part 2

The speaker continues with Part 2 on the characteristics of God.

The How-tos of II Peter

This sermon will look at the list of Christian characteristics in II Peter 1:5-7. This message will serve as an introduction to the book of II Peter and as a way to examine the characteristics in light of the big…

May I Have Your Attention Please?

Filmmaker and media consultant Phil Cooke, is quoted as saying, “the most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention.” Attention is an important biblical concept as well a critical characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ. In…

Becoming the Master Craftsman's Shofar

The purpose of the Hebrew shophar horn was to magnify the breath of the individual blowing into the mouthpiece. Brethren we too are the instruments that God is using today to proclaim the gospel message to the world. Our individual…

How Healthy Is Your Heart?

Looking at five ways to improve our spiritual heart health in a world that is so unhealthy for our hearts.

Seek His Righteousness

We must agree to let God's Characteristics be created within us. How do we do that?