
Intelligent Design Versus Evolution

The theory of evolution is doing a lot of damage in our society. Is there valid scientific evidence that supports Intelligent Design?
DNA strand


Charles Darwin admitted that the available fossil evidence didn’t support his theory of “survival of the fittest,” better known as evolution. But he expected that plenty of evidence would be found in the coming years. Now, more than a century...
Why Charles Darwin Rejected the Bible

Why Charles Darwin Rejected the Bible

Charles Darwin, more than any other man, is responsible for the prevalent view in the Western world that science should be enthroned above God's Word.
How Naturalism—Rejection of God—Holds Humanity Captive

How Naturalism Rejection of God Holds Humanity Captive

Naturalism—disbelief in anything beyond the natural world around us—is a subtle way to reeducate people, freeing them from feeling guilty over sin by substituting immorality or amorality for godly morality.

My geology tutor challenged my belief that we all come from Adam and Eve by claiming they only had two sons. How can I defend my belief?

My geology tutor tried to prove to me that we all evolved. I told him that I believe we all came from Adam and Eve. He said that Adam and Eve only had two sons, Cain and Abel. He then...

Why do Bible believers fear evolution? Instead of fearing evolution, why don't Christians embrace it?

Yes, God did indeed create man, but we should not pretend to know how. If we evolved from life's creation itself, does that deny the power of God? Man cannot create life from nonliving material, but the fossil, geological and...
Darwin's The Origin Variation of Species

Darwin's The Origin Variation of Species

If you were to write a book, would you purposefully pick a title that doesn't truly deal with the subject matter? It sounds ridiculous, but that's what Charles Darwin did.
The Variation of Species

The Variation of Species

If you were to write a book, would you purposefully pick a title that doesn't truly deal with the subject matter? It sounds ridiculous, but that's what Charles Darwin did.
Charles Darwin's 10 Mistakes

Charles Darwin's 10 Mistakes

We made a list of 10 reasons Darwin's theory of evolution does not hold up to scientific scrutiny.

Life on Campus

Freshman Year With Darwin