
Check It Out

Have you ever had some one 'check up' on what you've told them? Maybe you've had to check up on something someone else said to determine if it was true. Why do we check up on other people and is…

Pre-Passover Self Examination

Change and sacrifice are the keys to a happy, fulfilling and godly life. At this time of year, with the approach of the Passover, God expects all of His people to engage in a spiritual examination. Michael Bannen, who serves…

A Spiritual Checklist

We are not only to grow in numbers but grow spiritually. Christ, when describing events of the end time, delivers a sort of spiritual checklist for us. Where are we? Where do we stand? Do I resemble the spiritual creation…

As a Man Thinks in His Heart, So Is He

We have to decide what "things" we watch, listen to and allow in to our lives, GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) or VIVO (value in, value out). God instructs us that evil things can defile the heart and our life…

Speak No Ill

Filtering our words through truth and love may eliminate many of them.