A father and child walking on the beach

The Important Role of Fathers

Being a father as our Creator intended is wonderful and rewarding, however, it is not easy.
a path leading into a beautiful sunset

The Value of a Christian Upbringing

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it…

Leave No One Behind

Can parents forget that it is their responsibility to train their children? Our children can be left behind and left to fend for themselves. Our children are our legacy. As parents, we should love our children enough to lead them…

Raising Children

Raising children starts with the parents and their relationship to God. That is the most important factor in being successful in raising healthy and happy children.

Am I Pleasing God?

In a split sermon, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses how as young children, we desire to please our parents. Do we also as God's called children have a desire to please him?

The Blessing of Children

Despite the trends in the world around us that show contempt for children, we recognize they are great blessings from God. In this message, we'll contrast how the world views children with how God does, remind us of the responsibility…

Children - Think, Teach, Talk

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/2/19 Each year on the second Sabbath after the Feast of Tabernacles, we follow the example in Matthew 19 and we ask a blessing on little children. As parents and mentors we each want the best for…

The Fatherless Generation - Why We Need The Father

We are living in an age that devalues the presence of the fathers, and more and more families in Western societies are fatherless ones. However, God has much to say about His desire for families with two parents with the…

Building Strong Relationships With Our Children

The Church provides several opportunities for our children such as bible studies, social activities, study resources, and summer camp. All these opportunities are a great blessing. However, what is our direct role as a parents in turning the hearts of…

Are You a Blessing To Your Children?

Are you being a great parent? There are several things you can do to make sure you are being a blessing to your children.