
"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3


The Vital Role of Fathers

Families are a very special thing in the eyes of God and they are under attack. Are you, as a father, protecting your family?

Cultural Trends Influence Our Children

The forces of evil are out there to destroy the family and to undermine true values. Are you doing your part to combat it and shape the next generation?

Developing a Conscience in Our Children

Through the increase of horrific acts of violence perpetrated by our nation’s youth, we see the results of the decreasing of our nation’s conscience. How do we develop a conscience in immoral society?

Seven Attributes of a Child-Like Attitude

Christ says, in Matt. 18, "...Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." There is something about a little child we must become like. what are the attributes of…
a woman reading to two children

Four Ideas to Make the Sabbath Special for Children

How can we teach children about the Sabbath? Here are a few ideas parents shared for how families can make the Sabbath extra special.
Parents talking to their young children.

How to Talk With Your Children About Frightening World Events

While the news can be troubling, with God’s help, parents can provide truth and balance to help their children feel secure and hopeful.
Photo of a mother and young daughter walking down a dirt road in the countryside; the daughter is holding her mother's hand and looking up at her.

A Mother’s Path of Faith, After Her Children Lost Theirs

The news and my initial response left me feeling as though I had been knocked off my feet by a tsunami. Waves of stifling emotions washed over me. It seemed as though the familiar terrain I had previously defined as...

How About the Children in the End Times?

Have you wondered what will happen to the children when the Church is protected in the end-time? Here is some good news?

Children For the God Family

Understanding Bible analogies relating to those being granted entrance into the Divine Family.

Children Are a Blessing

Children are a gift from God and a blessing to their parents and others. How should we treat our blessings and honor this gift?