
As You Sow So Shall You Reap

How can I reap blessings in life? What do we need to grow spiritually? How is God involved with our lives?
What's Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

Life is full of choices. What will you decide?
man in wheat field under gorgeous sunset gradient sky looking contemplatively upwards

Consider Your Future

A practical life lesson from a surprising and underrated book of the Bible.
Are you willing to journey on the arduous spiritual road—the one less traveled?

The Road Less Traveled

You can choose to journey down one of two spiritual roads in life. Which one will you select? Plus, which one would Jesus Christ want you to take?

Your mission should you choose to accept it

With God all things are possible. Therefore, when God gives us assignments, it does not matter how insignificant we are or think we are because God is fully capable of achieving what He wants to in us..if we will yield…

Whose Example Is Important Now?

Our lives are subject to pressure. It can come from either God or Satan. Pressure from God is to test and prove us, while pressure from Satan is to try to destroy us. As we respond to pressure, we need…

What Would You Be Doing Now if You Did Not Come Into God’s Church

For many of us, God interrupted our lives to call us to come out of this world. As we spiritually grow and self-examine our lives, we realize that this process is life long and more of a challenge that it…

Choose For Yourself This Day

Before the Exodus, the Lord struck Egypt with a series of plagues—some that affected both Egyptians and Israelites and some that impacted just the Egyptians. After hundreds of years in Egypt, the Israelites faced a choice of whether to obey…

Called vs. Chosen

Christians are given an invitation to become part of God's family now. Does our calling make us chosen by God?

From Friendship to Relationship

On the Sabbath in Kennesaw, Georgia, before a large crowd gathered for the 2020 Southeast Regional Prom (that evening), Jay Ledbetter, pastor of the Knoxville and Kingsport, TN and London, KY, spoke about the need to develop deep interpersonal relationships…