
Why We Make Bad Decisions & How Can We Stop

What leads people to make very bad decisions? We will look at what God and science say we can do to avoid regrettable decisions in our lives.

The Sum of All Your Choices

All choices have predetermined consequences that either embellish a life, or are detrimental to it. When making each of our life's choices we choose the accompanying consequence of that choice. Each accompanying consequence is certain. No person is immune to…

Waging Peace

The nations of this world spend billions of dollars every year to prepare for war. We have been called to prepare for peace and must be making the choice in our lives to wage peace, not war.

Choose Not To Be Offended

The world around us loves to be offended at almost anything. We must make a choice to not be offended.

A Higher Standard

James Malizia -- 4/26/19 Transcript attached Title: A Higher Standard... Summary: As we come to the end of the Days of Unleavened Bread we have a fork in the road before us... Will we choose to continue engaging with God…

Are You Happy

What our Christian perspective on happiness should be according to the scriptures.

Winnowing Words

Winnowing is the process of separating valuable grain from the worthless outer husk that covers it. In ancient times, this process was done by tossing or pouring both grain and husk into the air and allowing the air to blow…

The Bread We Choose

The point is to show that God has given us the Days of Unleavened Bread to teach us the important lesson about the choices we make. “The Bread That Satisfies -To the glory of The God of Israel - April…

Top Ten Pretty Good Rules for a Successful Christian

Several celebrities have listed their top rules for their success. Here is a list of pretty good rules for the successful Christian.

Inextricably Inexorable

Hi readers, Sometimes acceptance is the only course of action we can take.