Media Production

Sweet Aroma

Smells can create powerful connections in our minds; reminding us of events, places, and people.
Media Production

The 3-Part Method

How can we be sure we are following Christ?

Humble, Hungry, Smart Christian

God is looking for the ideal team player, are we humble, hungry and smart Christians?

Life of the Christian Believer

Bob Dunham shares a message titled: "Life of the Christian Believer"

Attributes of a Christian

seven attributes to follow God and be a better Christian

Attributes of a Christian

seven attributes to follow God and be a better Christian

Our Many Hats

At any given time in our life there are many “hats” that we wear—spouse, single, parent, child, employee, employer, neighbor, friend, citizen, for example. Those “hats” change with the seasons and times of our lives, but every role, including that…

Preparing Your Heart

Many people are called, but few are chosen, Christ says. Many can come to understand God’s ways and principles and begin living that way, but cares of this world or other situations come up and they fall away or lose…


Mindfulness Meditation is a powerful tool that can be used by Christians to gain self-control and to become more effective ambassadors for Christ.
A man sitting on a bench reading a Bible.

How Do I Balance Serving Those at Church With Maintaining My Own Spiritual and Emotional Health?

When you take care of your relationship with God first, you are in good shape to help others.