
Are You Ready for the Time of the End?

We need to be a genuine Christian at all times.

The Roman Turtle

A Christian's absolute faith in God can stop and extinguish the flaming arrows that Satan the devil shoots at us.

Wear the Christian Uniform

God has issued us His uniform for us to wear. It's the Armor of God - it is the uniform we need to wear as Christians.

God's Great Promises

God makes certain great promises, and they are great promises, and we're going to see that God is someone you can absolutely, completely, trust and rely upon to keep His word.

We Need Godly Love

Love is the very nature of God. Love motivates Him. In fact, God is love. How can we make sure we keep ourselves in the love of God?

Is Your Hand Still on the Plow?

Are you fully committed to follow Jesus Christ and not look back?

To Be or Not to Be

What do you want to be? How can we follow and become like Christ? What does God instruct us to be?
A woman sitting on a bench reading.

How Does the Bible Define A Christian?

Many who say they’re Christians don’t really follow the teachings of Jesus Christ presented in Scripture. How does your life align with what God’s Word instructs?
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The world doesn't see it, but there is much value and many blessings in following God's way.

Passover Parallel

We know the story. The nation of Israel was enslaved in Egypt and Pharaoh would not let the people go. A profoundly significant event was about to take place and they would be saved through a final plague. But examining…