
The Nativity Scene - Right, Almost Right and Wrong

The nativity scene is frequently seen at this time of year. Let's consider what is right, almost right and wrong with how this important biblical event is represented.

The Birth of Jesus Christ - An IQ Test

God is not pleased when people copy or borrow religious customs from pagan observances and re-label them… in an attempt to worship Him. Yet, Jesus Christ was indeed born to be a Savior. But, I wonder how much people really…

How Did Christmas Start?

A look at the origins of Christmas, and some of it's customs.

Modern Saturnalia

Jerry Zemlicka explores the history of Christmas and the deceptive effects it has on people in the world today that happily adopt the Pagan celebration of Saturnalia as an excuse to worship the birth of Jesus Christ. All of this…

Answering a Critic About Christmas

This message provides rebuttals for excuses to observe Christmas.

Not on December 25th

Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th. The real purpose of xmas is religious deception and to keep people from the true worship of God.

Christmas, What's the Harm?

I hope to show why we should not dabble around with anything that has to deal with Christmas.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...Sin?

Many Christians understand the pagan origins of Christmas, but keep it anyway. Does it really matter? Can any harm come from it? An examination of the downfall of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah will reveal exactly what a…

Christmas Comparisons

In this Bible Study, reviewed are the Catholic explanations for "christianizing" pagan holiday, while also reviewing the pagan reasoning for "taking back" these holidays for their true origins. Finally, the scriptures are researched to see what God determines to be…


Mithras, Sol Invictus, Christmas. How do these relate? This message was presented during the Northwest Family Weekend.