
"For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel. They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter" (Jeremiah 10:2-4, New International Version).

Incorporating traditions used in worship of the pagan gods Mithra and Saturn (among others), Christmas has its roots in just about everything but Christ's birth. Find out where Christmas really came from and what God thinks about people observing it.


Christmas: Does it Really Matter?

Modern culture would have us believe Christmas is meant to be a time of celebration and joy, despite its well-known pagan background. People reason that since God knows their hearts, He would be pleased with their intention of observing Christ's…

A Good Time of The Year

An over view of history and how Satan has deceived man with Xmas - How blessed we are to know the truth.

Never Mix Error With Truth

Let's review the origins of the Christmas holiday and recognize how it became mixed up with God's true Scripture. How can we deal appropriately with it?

Christmas, Syncretism, Presumption

When most of us older members were growing up people generally believed that Christmas pictured the birth of Christ. Today nations all over the world celebrate this holiday and in most cases with little or no religious meaning attached to…

Top Ten Reasons Not to Keep Christmas

What are the top ten reasons not to keep Christmas?

The Babylonian Origins of New Year’s

Most people carelessly assume that celebrating New Year's Eve is a Christian custom. However, New Year’s is one of the oldest and most universal of all pagan traditions and the custom of celebrating it dates back over 4000 years! This…

Christmas and Constantine's Sword

How did Christmas originate and who imposed it in the world? Why did it become a popular holiday?

The Evolution of Christmas in America

Christmas in America has undergone many changes. From the time of the Puritans, when Christmas was banned, until today, Christmas has become a worldwide observed holiday. This message examines the changes that were driven by the media to make this…

A Christmas Sermon

This sermon serves to educate and enlighten about the origin of Christmas in contrast to what God has made holy and His marvelous plan of salvation. Listen to explore the profound meaning in the scriptures surrounding the miraculous conception of…

Evolution of Christmas in America

Christmas in America has undergone many changes. From the time of the Puritans, when Christmas was banned, until today, Christmas has become a worldwide observed holiday. This message examines the changes that were driven by the media to make this…