
The Church in End-Time Prophecy

What does the Bible have to say about the Church immediately before the return of Jesus Christ?

God's Great Promises

God makes certain great promises, and they are great promises, and we're going to see that God is someone you can absolutely, completely, trust and rely upon to keep His word.

Is Your Hand Still on the Plow?

Are you fully committed to follow Jesus Christ and not look back?
Sun rays shining through the windows of an old church.

Why Are So Many Abandoning Christianity?

Organized Christianity is in significant decline. Church attendance is plummeting and many people are shedding religion altogether. Why is this happening? The underlying cause principally involves vital biblical values that have been rejected by both individuals and traditional Christianity itself.

Is this Your Church?

God has worked with His special assembly since ancient Israel. They were also His wife. In the New Testament the Church is to be married to Christ. Is this your Church?
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Truth, Always

The gospel message isn't always popular, but we must speak the truth in love, always.

When We Make it Through the Winter

There tends to be a point around this time each year when we find that to keep God's spirit burning bright within us, we need to dig in a little deeper. We need grit. The Finns call it “sisu”. Have…

A Lesson From a Pronoun

We will look at an example where understanding whether the pronoun “you” is singular or plural helps us more fully understand the intended meaning of a scripture.

The Key of the Kingdom of God

Revelation 3:7-13 gives us insight and direction for doing the Work of God in these extraordinary times.
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Is It Time to Find a New Church?

Jesus said He would build His Church. How can you recognize it? What should you look for in a place of worship?