
Able Men for the House of God

The apostles forsook everything and Christ began his church with them. You too, can be an able man for the house of God. Here's how!

Maintaining God's Joy in Your Life

How can we maintain joy in today’s world? Where does true joy come from? How can we build God’s joy in our life?

Be Ye Watchful

We must as Christians to be always be on watch. Bible tells us to watch ourselves, watch the church, and watch world conditions.

Fellowship is…

Jesus Christ has placed us in His Body, the Church. Fellowship is a binding agent for the church, helping us all become one, and knit together. Sharing time together is a wonderful blessing that we want to remember to prioritize.

The Age of the Church

What age are we living in? What is the age to come? And what ages have already occurred? As we think about the beginning of the Church on the Day of Pentecost in 31 A.D., we will explore and examine…

The Spirit Moves the Church

The work of the Church is done by the Spirit of God. It is the power by which God works. His work is to make His word available to all men, and to dwell with those who believe. We are…

The Mysteries of the Calling and the Church: Pentecost AM service

The speaker expounds five mysteries surrounding the Church of God.

The Compact

Where are we in the spiritual progression of the church, or the work, of Christ as defined in John 6:29? "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent". We often discuss "the work" being…

The Bond of Perfection

Our willingness to listen to each other can lead to growth and health within the Body of Christ.

Twenty Reasons Laws are Applied but Not Abolished

This conclusion of a two-part sermon explains the basic reasons why certain laws were made by God and why they are not to be abolished, as some have declared.