
Why No One Man Can Rule

Among the various churches of God exist differences in approach to church government structure. Some look at the heavenly model of The Father and The Son and believe it extends down to us in the form of a pyramid style…

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 4

In the 4th and final part of this series, we'll examine how authority and structure translate into the various roles of church in our local congregations. Whether we have a title and 'position' or not, everyone is a part of…

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 3

In Part 3 of this series, we'll examine how the authority given mankind translates into the structure and organization of the church today.

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 2

In Part 2 of this series, we'll examine how authority was given to mankind, both in the Old and New Testaments, and what God expected those whom He gave authority to, to do with it. We'll see how the church…

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 1

The mention of the word 'authority' can often make us bristle, especially in the context of a church setting. But is authority a bad word? In this multi-part series of sermons we'll explore where authority comes from, how it is…

Government in the Bible

This Sabbath we will continue to examine what the Old Testament scriptures tell us about how God ordered or allowed government for His people. The series will discuss the questions of what kind of government God wants for His church…

Why Does God's Church Today... Have Problems?

Anyone who has been in God’s Church for a while soon discovers that the Church of God is composed of human beings and the problems associated with being human. It can at times be discouraging and even challenging to our…

The Perfect Government

What is the perfect form of government? The Israelites were to be under God's government, but human nature got in the way. The perfect government will come with God's Kingdom.

Three Lessons for the Fiftieth Anniversary

What can we learn after 50 years? Here are three lessons to cherish.

Church Government and Organization

The Church is a spiritual organism. There is also a physical component to the Church, as identified in scriptures such as Ephesians 4:11-13, where we find God has established offices for the work of the ministry and the perfecting of…