Churches of Revelation

In the book of Revelation Jesus Christ reveals seven letters written to seven congregations throughout what is present-day Turkey. How did these letters apply to the congregations they were written to? What is the prophetic significance for us today? This Beyond Today eight-part Bible study series will journey through the Churches of Revelation and discover a significant spiritual message that’s relevant for us today.


The Prophetic Meaning of the Letters of Revelation

A brief overview of the prophetic meaning of the letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3, with additional info from the book of Colossians to understand what the issues in Laodicea were. Final sermon in the eight-part series.
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Seven Churches: Laodicea

Jesus Christ gave the church in Laodicea an "aha" moment through his revelation to John. Will you heed your "aha" moment when it comes?
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Seven Churches: Sardis

We cannot become complacent; we are not invulnerable to trials and temptations.

To Laodicea: I Am Knocking at the Door

The church in Laodicea is warned using specific descriptions pertaining to the city in which it was located, and Jesus states that He is outside, waiting to be let in. This sermon examines why those warnings are meaningful and how…

To Philadelphia: I Will Reward You for Not Denying My Name

The Church in Philadelphia is commended by Jesus for persevering in their faith, and for not denying His lordship over them. This sermon explores what the key of David is, what the door that Jesus has opened is a reference…

To Sardis: Strengthen What Remains

Jesus warns Sardis that although they are alive, they are inwardly dead, and He urges them to strengthen what bits do remain. This sermon covers what causes a church to die and how to guard against it. Series summary: A…

Redefining a Congregation

In this message, the background of the Church at Ephesus is discussed as well as points of praise, points of correction and lessons for our congregations today. This sermon is the second in a series based on the letters to…

A Letter to the Churches

If there was a message written specifically for you, how seriously would you take it? What if it was from God? Would you reread it to see if you missed any details? Let's look at the book of Revelation, written…

Lessons from Laodicea

Of the seven churches of Revelation, Laodicea is the most mysterious. The Bible gives us several clues to the problems of this era of the Church of God. Most importantly, what can we learn today from the admonition of Jesus…

Jesus Message to Us From the Churches of Revelation

A look at Jesus’ messages to the churches in Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea and what lessons we as individuals and a congregation should take from them.