
Comfort and Consolation

Have you ever known people who, despite tragedy, were able to offer comfort to others? Where do those who are able to comfort others while enduring their own tragedy receive the strength to help others?

Profit From Our Problems

How does God intervene with our problems? Where do our problems come from? What can we learn from our problems?

The Gift of Joy

God wants us to have joy in our lives. Through biblical examples, we can learn to appreciate and increase our joy.
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God's Promises: Part 4

What do you do when you face trials? When you are struggling, claim this promise of God!
A woman having her heart rate checked.

Alone in a Crowd

Jesus Christ had a unique calling and a unique life. He was not understood by many of His own family and followers. God promises He will never leave us and Jesus made the same promise.
A woman with her head down on her arms.

Bible Answers for Coping With Stress

God’s Word gives direct answers to many of our questions about how to deal with stress.
Comforting hands of two people.

How Can We Endure in Times of Crisis?

How do we keep it together in a world that’s falling apart? Where do we turn? Practicing these key steps will help us cope.
Photo of two women sitting on the couch grieving together. One woman has her hands clasped and one woman is leaning her face into her forhead.

Weep With Those Who Weep

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15).
Media Production

The Comfort of Psalm 91

When we are worried or upset, turn to Psalm 91 to receive comfort from God.

His Wondrous 'Omni' Characteristics

Speaker: James J Malizia 4/11/20 Location: Orinda In this message presented by James J Malizia on April 11, 2020 it is discussed how we can find great solace and comfort in thinking on and praising our loving God in that…