
Coming out of Our Egypt

Leavening is a perfect symbol used for what it pictures for us as a lesson for sin and what it does to us. We must continue to put sin out of our lives. We must leave behind what plagues our…

Missing the Mark Less - Hitting the Mark More

In a sermonette before a webcast audience of Atlanta and Buford brethren on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread, Michael Bannen asks what is the purpose of Unleavened Bread, and what is the meaning of sin.

You, the few

Understanding and living God's ways can be exciting, yet still very challenging. As we look at Bible prophecy, we see more challenging times to come. How are we able to be among the few who continue through the challenges ahead?

Making a Decision

We often find ourselves in a tug of war with the society around us and God’s way of life. When we don’t know what to believe, we can feel lost and we go where ever the wind takes us. How…

The Red Sea Crossing

Our Red Sea crossing began with our individual baptisms into the Body of Jesus Christ. Do we have faith strong enough to trust in God as we journey toward the Kingdom through many trials?

Israel and the Plagues of Egypt

The calling of a Christian is all about coming out of sin.

Israel and the Plagues of Egypt

The calling of a Christian is all about coming out of sin.

Blameless at His Coming

The Bible teaches who will stand in the day of Christ’s appearing. They are the upright in heart who are blameless before Him. Be blameless and stand in the presence of the Lord at His coming.

The Marriage of the Lamb

Reviewing our role as the Bride of Christ and The Marriage of the Lamb.

Modern Humanism

Modern humanism is the predominant philosophy that influences and shapes the attitudes and views of our modern western societies. What is it and how do we combat it?