
Use this Crisis to Correct Your Spiritual Course

Speaker: Jim Tuck 4/25/20 As we fast in this time of international crisis due to the coronavirus how will you respond? Our time is now to break the cycle of humanity and raise the bar in our own spiritual commitment…

The Servanthood of Christ

Jesus Christ is our perfect example to be a servant of the Lord and to one another. What are the three types of servanthood that Christ exemplifies?

Going for the Gold

In making our calling and election sure... Going for our positions in God's Kingdom represented by crowns of gold. There are 3 traits we must have to receive the crowns of life; commitment, perseverance and focus.

First Love

We need to remember what we used to do when we were first converted to recapture our first love.

Are You Being Prepared?

Please join us for this very interesting message about whether you are being prepared for the Kingdom of God. Are you Teachable? Are you committed to the work of God? The answers to these questions and more in this amazing…

Basic Principles for a Happy Marriage

Please join us for this very interesting and excellent study of what our relationships should be based on God's word.

Convicted, Committed Christian

Christianity is a process. God convicts us to His truth. We commit to His truth. In doing so we develop faith and trust which convicts us further.

Are You All In?

The story of Samson contains lessons for us today. God promises His people great treasure. He does require something of each of us however in order to receive that great treasure. What does He require?

Deo Fidens Persistas

Instruction is given on why we must be faithful to our mates, our brethren, and to God.

How Strong Is My Commitment?

What is your level of commitment to God's way of life? Be sure to strengthen and rejuvenate your commitment.