
Your Brothers Keeper

Do we truly care for one another as ought to with the agape love that God wants us to have?

Exodus 34:6: God of Mercy

What is God’s demeanor toward us when we make mistakes? In Exodus 34:6, God presented Himself to Moses by describing His key attributes. He began by describing Himself as “rachum.” What does it mean for God to be “rachum”?
Photo of mother with two children on a bench.

In His Time

God understands the sorrow and pain that parents feel when their children choose not to follow in the faith.
Photo of two boys looking at the sunrise together.

Do All Lives Matter?

All lives matter—poor, rich, famous, obscure, forgotten, disrespected, unrepresented or out of mind. Those treated unjustly matter just as much as the privileged.

In Times of Trials

We are living in times like no other in recent memory. These are times of trial. How is the Christian to respond in times such as these?

In Times of Trial, Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord!

We are living in times like no other in recent memory. These are times of trial. How is the Christian to respond in times such as these?

Three Character Traits of Christ and Our Application

Jesus Christ came as a bond servant providing us the ultimate example of how to live our lives. Patience, compassion and forgiveness are three character traits that Jesus exhibited in his conduct and life. He taught us that whoever is…

Christ Our Passover and Personal Good Samaritan

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 4/4/20 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most famous of Christ’s parables. It teaches a powerful moral lesson that every human being is our "neighbor", and that we (out of compassion…
The turtle couldn’t help itself out of danger. In fact, it didn’t even realize it was in peril. We were the same way when God reached out to us.

God to the Rescue!

An incident on Passover night reminds us how crucial it is to be personally saved by God.

Jesus Heals a Leper

Christ-centered service should be the goal for every Christian as we emulate the example of Jesus Christ. An example of the depth of Christ's care for those around Him can be found in the example of Him healing a man…