Media Production

Grow in Confidence: Part 3

We can have confidence because of the goodness of God and His concern for us.
Media Production

Grow In Confidence: Part 2

We can have confidence because of the mercy of God and His love for us.
Media Production

Grow in Confidence: Part 1

We can have confidence because of the greatness of God and His care for us.

Where Is Your Confidence? Look up!

In a world where “self confidence” is king, we look to scripture to find the keys for putting our confidence where it belongs.

It's a Matter of Confidence

Is it wrong to be self-confident? Is having confidence the same as being arrogant? This message explores the topic of confidence from a biblical perspective and discusses how to have an appropriate sense of confidence in our lives.

Proclaming Christ in an Age of Ambiguity

We live in an age where people look down on others who are strong and sure about their beliefs. Society today wants no solid rules or absolutes by which to live. But we must not follow that path. We can…

Godly Confidence

We are to have Godly confidence always, even at our lowest lows. It's easy to begin to have doubts when life presents difficulties. Sometimes we will begin to feel that we can rely on ourselves more than on God. We…

But If Not

Daniel chapter 3 is an account of unmovable faith. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, we too must acknowledge God’s supremacy and authority, putting Him first. We must trust completely in His promised deliverance. The expression, “But if not”, doesn’t convey…

Stand Firm, Then Move Forward

Ex 14 says, "Stand firm and you will see the deliverance". When in a desperate situation, feeling trapped, wanting to give up, stop to see God's hand and then move forward where He leads.

God's Got This

Many circumstances in our life beginning from childhood cause us to learn fear and anxiety . . . as we grow older and form a relationship with God we learn that these issues are compounded by satan, but through prayer…