
Beware of Satan's Devices to Destroy Us

Why do we need to put on the Armor of God and what are some of those fiery darts that Satan throws at us to try to keep us out of the Kingdom of God?
Arm of a fencer holding a fencing sabre

Don't Like Conflict? Master Disagreement!

Conflict is inevitable, but it doesn't have to result in broken relationships and unresolved feelings of bitterness.
Media Production

A Soft Answer

When we experience confrontation we don't have to run away to keep the peace, but we should utilize tools from the Bible to keep us from escalating or contributing to these tense situations.

Brotherly conflict

How do we deal with brotherly conflict in the body of Christ?

What Spirit Are You?

Our enemies will use whatever they can to divide us; the goal is not to rally people together but to drive them apart. This polarization can manifest itself as the "line in the sand" option, which is essentially a demand…

Why Do We War?

Examining the three main reasons why we make war in this world. Jas 4:1 Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?

A Lesson in Conflict Resolution

The history of mankind has been marked with conflict, on national as well as personal levels. Divorces and other separations of families occur because of unresolved conflict. God’s will is for us to be at peace with one another and…


This message takes a look at peace in an effort to understand what God's peace truly is so that we can be the peacemakers we're intended to be.

Go To Your Brother - The Why

Joel Brunick discusses various aspects of the art of Aikido and its participants, the Uke and the Naga, and how techniques learned in the ancient practice of battle parallels Biblical principles of why we should go to our brother in…

War No More

The world is full of war today. Battles are happening everywhere and not just between armies. Confrontation has become common place. We are to have a different spirit and act differently. During this season we should strive to root out…