Conflicts and War

"And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet" (Matthew 24:6).

Conflict and war has been a recurring theme for most of mankind's brief stay on this earth. Read on to discover why, and how it will be stopped.


Warnings to the West

Rising "lone wolf" Islamist attacks against the West should compel us to learn the importance of seeking true security.
Woman holding a copy of the Quran in her arms.

Confusion Over What the Quran Teaches - Peace or War?

Those who state that Islam is a peaceful religion usually point to several verses in the Quran to support their view.
Muslim militant with rifle.

The Jihadist Worldview

The brutality of the Islamic State and various terrorist organizations is shocking and horrifying—beheadings, suicide attacks, slaughter of prisoners and women forced into sexual slavery. What's really behind such barbarism? The truth may surprise you!
Media Production

"Your Hands Are Full of Blood"

What does the recent incidents in Ferguson, New York City and Cleveland tell us about our violent culture?

Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men

Three men holding machine guns in the air.

Middle East Chaos

Once again the Middle East is being transformed before our eyes, with a near-constant stream of headlines describing chaos and upheaval. What does it mean? Where is it leading? You need to know the answers!
News article photo from The Jordan Times

Chaos Will Give Way to Peace

It's remarkable how past and present—and, yes, sometimes even future—collide in the Middle East.
Media Production

Canadian Terrorist Attack

Recent terror attacks in Canada provide a spiritual lesson for all of us.
Has God Lost Control?

Has God Lost Control?

Why does it seem like the all-powerful God is powerless in a world of hate, suffering and anxiety? You need to learn the amazing answer!
ISIS, Evil and the Day of Atonement

ISIS, Evil and the Day of Atonement