Conflicts and War

"And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet" (Matthew 24:6).

Conflict and war has been a recurring theme for most of mankind's brief stay on this earth. Read on to discover why, and how it will be stopped.


Monumental Battle for Control of the World

A look at the astounding end-time story of the Middle East and the future of this crucial region that was laid out thousands of years ago in the Bible. We need to understand what's prophesied to happen in the Middle…

Where Are We in Prophecy?

It seems that every generation has those who predict the end is near. What makes the days in which we are now living different from other times in history? What are the signs which tell us the end of this…

Safety from Terror

The world as we know it is heading for destruction. What will happen to true Christians during the End Times?
A group of frail looking people.


The gospel of the Kingdom of God is the message Jesus Christ instructs His followers to believe.
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Anti-Semitism At Liberal American Colleges

Time for another update on this virulent pathogen.

Netanyahu's Address Highlights Divisions Over Islamic Militants

Prior to 9/11, most Americans were barely aware of the religion of Islam.
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Purim, Jews and Netanyahu's Warning

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech this week comes at the same time as the Jewish festival of Purim. Interesting.
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Auschwitz: 70 Years Later

A survivor called this death camp "the world's biggest cemetery". Do we remember and have we learned the lessons?
Two soldiers walking in street full of concrete rubble.

God's Plan for the Middle East

The news out of the Middle East today leaves us with little hope and very little good news. Does anyone have solutions to these huge problems?
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After Paris?

World leaders marched in Paris over the weekend to remember those slain in last week's attack on a French newspaper. Europe is seeing extreme reaction to Islamization. Why does this matter?