Beyond Today Daily

Purim, Jews and Netanyahu's Warning

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech this week comes at the same time as the Jewish festival of Purim. Interesting.



[Darris McNeely] The news that I’ve been watching is abuzz with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scheduled speech before the United States Congress this week. You know, it’s interesting – I didn’t realize it until putting together some of the dates that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech just two days before the Jewish celebration of Purim, an ancient celebration that dates all the way back to an event in the book of Esther in the Bible during the ancient Persian Empire. The Jews were in captivity and Persia was the big kid on the block. Back at that time, there was an effort made that is told in the book of Esther to exterminate the Jews. It’s history’s first holocaust. Anti-Semitism is a very, very old evil. In Esther 3:13, it makes this one statement, and I think it captures the danger that was there for the Jews in the Persian Empire at the time, that “letters were sent by couriers into all the king’s provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is in the month of Adar, and to plunder their possessions.” Again, history’s first effort to exterminate the Jews. The story in Esther shows that it didn’t happen due to the courage of the young Jewess named Esther, who along with her uncle Mordecai thwarted the effort that was being hatched at that time.

Well, the Jews celebrate Purim every year to mark this particular event. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is coming to talk to the American Congress about the Iranian effort to build and develop a nuclear weapon. This has been dominating the news for years, and it has finally come to a critical point in the negotiations. Many fear that a bargain will be struck that will allow Iran to develop that weapon. Israel, the State of Israel, has a very, very acute visionary understanding of what is taking place there. Iran for years has said that they will destroy the State of Israel, they will push the Jewish state into the Mediterranean. With one bomb, one nuclear weapon detonated over Israel, that could happen. Israel has said it will not happen. And so, the Prime Minister comes to the United States to make this plea, to make this call, this warning, and it promises to be a very interesting speech.

But to connect it all together, as this warning is given, with what we know from the story of history, the Bible as told in the book of Esther, and connected with this very interesting Jewish celebration of Purim, we recognize that we are at a very, very serious time right now.

There’s a map that I had recently seen in one of the newspapers that kind of showed exactly what is taking place with Iran, which is in the heart of the ancient Persian Empire, as they have extended their influence into Syria, into Lebanon, down into Yemen, and their efforts also in Iraq, to almost encircle the State of Israel with the danger they pose there. It’s a very critical, perilous period going on in the Middle East right now, and the negotiations toward Iran’s efforts for a weapon, the warnings that are being sounded, are ones that should be understood, listened to. We’re at a very critical period. There’s a great deal at stake.

That’s BT Daily. Join us next time.

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Darris McNeely

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.

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Netanyahu's Address Highlights Divisions Over Islamic Militants

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Prior to 9/11, most Americans were barely aware of the religion of Islam.

Prior to 9/11, most Americans were barely aware of the religion of Islam.

In the short time since that tragic day, Islam has established its presence in the country with mosques and schools in nearly every sizeable community. The president of the United States has even said that Islam has been woven into the fabric of our society.

One thing the religion has done is divide the country and other nations where there has been widespread immigration from Muslim lands, mostly in the Middle East.

At no time has that division been greater than now.

In France, it was the Charlie Hebdo killings that caused the division, between those on the right of the political spectrum who want an end to Islamization and the immigrants themselves, supported by those on the left who side with them.

In Germany, there is the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA) staging weekly demonstrations against the Islamization of Europe. Critical of PEGIDA are the established political parties who bend over backwards to assure Muslims that there is a place for them in their societies.

Now division has come to the United States with the visit of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Some would say the division is over Israel. But the divide is also over how best to handle militant Islam.

The gulf between the two became clearer today when the Prime Minister addressed the U.S. Congress in Washington.

The invitation to speak came from the Speaker of the House, John Boehner. The White House made it clear that it was opposed to Netanyahu speaking, claiming it was a breach of protocol so close to an election for the office of prime minister in Israel.

Although most Democrats did listen to the speech, Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, was very critical almost immediately afterwards, claiming she was “near tears” throughout the speechand “saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States.” She was reportedly visibly agitated while Mr. Netanyahu was speaking.

The subject of the speech was Iran and the apparently imminent deal between Western allies with the Iranian regime over its nuclear program.   The deadline for this agreement is March 31. Mr. Netanyahu believes that the impending agreement will make it more likely that Iran will develop nuclear weapons–and soon.

The division is clear–and not just over Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.

The division is between those who see a serious threat from militant Islam and those who are in denial. Iran is not the only threat, but it was the focus of the prime minister’s address. With a single nuclear weapon, Iran could annihilate Israel, a very small country. Indeed, Iran has threatened to annihilate “the world’s only Jewish state.”

The prime minister reminded his audience of the story recounted in the biblical book of Esther, the Jewish queen married to a Persian king in the fifth century B.C. A highly placed Persian official at the time wanted to annihilate the Jews, just as today’s Iranian leadership does (Iran today is located in the land of ancient Persia and its people commonly refer to themselves as Persians). Today is the Feast of Purim, which commemorates the delivery of the Jews from what could have easily been total disaster.

“For those who believe that Iran threatens the Jewish state, but not the Jewish people, listen to Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, Iran's chief terrorist proxy. He said: If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down around the world’” Mr. Netanyahu said.

Iran is not an Arab country and has traditionally been somewhat isolated due to most Iranians being from the minority Shi’ite branch of Islam, today it dominates four Arab capitals—Baghdad (Iraq), Damascus (Syria), Beirut (Lebanon) and Sana’a (Yemen). Mr. Netanyahu referenced Iran’s support against the Sunni Islamic ISIS, claiming that their support against ISIS does not make them a friend of America. Playing off an old Arab proverb, he said this is a case of “the enemy of your enemy is your enemy!”

“Both ISIS and Iran want to impose a militant Islamic empire,” he warned—the only difference being who would be in charge.

“The greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam and nuclear weapons,” he said. This clearly would change everything in the Middle East and the wider world beyond—leading other nations in the region to immediately pursue nuclear weapons of their own in a part of the world where minor skirmishes have a way of quickly leading to all-out wars.

Mr. Netanyahu’s address was impassioned. We have not heard such a powerful speech from a politician in many years. It’s particularly impressive when we consider that English is not his first language. 

Mr. Netanyahu and former British statesman Sir Winston Churchill are the only two world leaders who have addressed Congress on three occasions. Following the speech, Netanyahu was compared on at least two news channels to Churchill, who spent the 1930s warning of the impending threat from the Nazis, as Netanyahu warns of the increasing threat from militant Islam. If the world had heeded Churchill, the Holocaust would not have happened. If the world listens to Netanyahu, a future holocaust may be averted.

Students of the Bible know that Jerusalem, Israel’s “eternal capital,” will be the focus of major conflict in the near future.

The biblical prophet Zechariah, writing about events leading up to the second coming of the Messiah, prophesied that Jerusalem and Judah (Israel) will be at the center of the final conflict to confront mankind.

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it” (Zechariah 12:2-3).

Zechariah 14:2 adds: “For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem.”

Centuries later, Jesus Christ, answering a question about the signs that would precede His coming, said, “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near.”

Mr. Netanyahu was right when he pointed out that America and Israel “share a common destiny.” What happens over there will affect us over here–and all countries in between.

The day before he addressed the U.S. Congress, Mr. Netanyahu spoke to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), one of the most powerful lobby groups in the United States. He said that whereas the President of the United States spends every day thinking about America’s security, as Israel’s prime minister he spends every day thinking about Israel’s survival.

In that one sentence, he encapsulated the difference between the leaders of the two nations. At the present time, militant Islam is a matter of national security to the United States. If Mr. Netanyahu’s warning is not taken seriously, it could soon become a matter of national survival, as it is in Israel.



(To better understand the chaos and violence of the Middle East, be sure to read our free study aid The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.)

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.


Would Churchill Be Heard Today?

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In the late 1930s as Nazi Germany rearmed and threatened the peace of Europe, Winston Churchill was a lone voice in Great Britain sounding the alarm of a gathering storm. No one listened until it was too late to turn back the tide of war that swept over the world. I have thought about that moment as we look at the world in 2015. There seems to be only one voice speaking with moral clarity and vision that could waken the world to present dangers. If Great Britain did not heed Churchill in 1938 will they heed today's herald?

Tomorrow, March 3, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu addresses the United States Congress in what will likely be a historic speech. It comes at a critical moment when America leads other nations to forge an agreement with Iran over that countries efforts to build a nuclear weapon. The fear of Israel and some members of Congress is that President Obama's administration will produce a weak agreement that firmly opens the door to allow Iran's long held plan to become a nuclear nation.

President Obama will not meet with the Prime Minister while he is Washington. Some members of Congress say they will not be present to hear the speech. Controversy has surrounded this event since it was announced. Considering what is at stake you would expect the major players to all act like adults. Sometimes it appears there are no statesmen at the helm as the world steers through a period of great peril.

Why is this issue so critical? First, Iran has consistently threatened to destroy the State of Israel and push them in the sea. The detonation of one nuclear bomb over the country would be enough to accomplish this threat. Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli leaders take this threat seriously and have been loud and clear in their warning of what Iran will do with a nuclear bomb. They are under no illusions.

When Iran obtains a nuclear weapon it will set off a Middle East arms race. To protect themselves other Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and likely even Turkey will feel the need to develop their own nuclear weapons. A nuclear armed Middle East is in no one's interest.

Iran's efforts to extend its influence throughout the region has created what some call a "neo-Persian Empire". No fewer than five surrounding countries, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria have Iranian-backed forces working to extend the influence of the Shiite dominated Iranian government. Iran's support of Syrian President Bashir Assad's government and the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon are on Israel's border and are direct threats to Jewish security. Iran is on a mission to influence the future course of the region.

Netanyau will be speaking before the United States Congress, not the Parliament of Great Britain. America is the only country that could stop Iran's march in the Middle East. Great Britain has no power or standing to effect any influence in this issue. Israel's Prime Minister knows this. So we will see the leader of the world's only Jewish nation come to its historic friend and brother to lay out a case for her to stand and be counted in a critical world moment. Big things are happening in the world right now and it takes vision to discern the scene and take appropriate action. Much is at stake.

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.


Esther 8

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Edict to save the Jews

A New Edict

The same day as the events of the previous chapter, the king gave Haman's estate to Esther (Esther 8:1). "Persian law gave the state the power to confiscate the property of those who had been condemned as criminals (cf. Herodotus 3.128-29...)" (note on verse 1). Esther revealed her relation to Mordecai, who was then brought in and given the king's signet ring, making him the prime minister in place of Haman. Mordecai's position is later explained to be "second to King Ahasuerus" (Esther 10:3). Having just honored Mordecai for saving his life, the king probably saw this man as one he could trust. And Mordecai being the adoptive father of the queen was another reason to accord him high status. In a further example of poetic justice, Esther commits Haman's estate to Mordecai, making him very wealthy. Recall that Haman had sought to confiscate the property of the Jewish people (see Esther 3:13).

Yet there was still a major problem, which Esther brought to the king—the decree to destroy the Jews was still in effect. As other scriptures show, Persian law could not be altered (see Daniel 6:8, Daniel 6:12, Daniel 6:15). But depending on the wording of a decree, a second decree might be able to effectively invalidate it. This is what the king instructed Esther and Mordecai to draw up in Esther 8:7-8. In verse 9 we see that it was the third month, still leaving almost nine months until the time set for the Jews' destruction in the first decree—thus allowing ample time to prepare for an attack at that time.

Verses 11-12 have led many to reject Esther as an uninspired book. The view is that Esther and Mordecai were evil in calling for such vengeance as to utterly wipe out their enemies, including women and children, when God had not ordered such a thing. Yet that is based on a misreading of these verses. If we carefully compare these verses with Haman's original decree, we can see that the original decree is actually quoted in them—so that the women and children are not those of the enemies but of the Jews. Note the wording of the original decree referred to in Esther 3:13: "And the letters were sent by couriers into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, and to plunder their possessions." The counter-order in chapter 8 is to defend against anyone who would try to carry out the wording of the first decree. Notice in Esther 8:11-12 that the Jews were to "protect their lives—to destroy, kill, and annihilate all the forces of any people or province that would assault them, [them being the Jews, including] both [as the original decree stated, the Jews'] little children and women, and [who would assault the Jews] to plunder their possessions, on one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar." That this is not talking about the Jews killing the women and children of their enemies and plundering their property in revenge should be clear from the fact that when the Jews carried out the decree, they killed only men (see Esther 9:6, Esther 9:12, Esther 9:15) and they did not take any plunder (see Esther 9:10, Esther 9:15-16). The point of the new decree, then, was simply for the Jews to defend themselves against those enemies who would seek to cause them harm. However, this probably did include striking preemptively against those who had already shown themselves hostile to the Jews.

When the new decree came, the mourning of the Jews was replaced with great rejoicing (Esther 8:16). No doubt news also spread of all that had transpired. This was a cause of great fear of the Jews among the people of the empire (verse 17)—no doubt due to a perceived supernatural favor that must have rested on them. Surprisingly, this sparked mass "conversions" (see same verse). The phrase "became Jews" is interesting—as it shows the name Jew as applied not in an ethnic sense but as denoting one who was part of the Jewish religious community. Motivated by fear of the Jewish people, it seems likely that most of these conversions were not genuine. Many may have merely claimed to be Jews without making any changes in their lives at all. Nevertheless, this all served to increase the acceptance of the Jews in the empire—and it enlarged their numbers to help dissuade would-be attackers. The real point here, though, is to see just how far the tables had turned. The change was so drastic that it was now deemed dangerous to not be a Jew.

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.


Are We in a Dangerous Age of Appeasement?

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Two significant powers, Russia and Iran, are throwing their weight around and taking over nearby territory. But rather than stand up to them, Western powers—especially the United States—meekly acquiesce. The parallels with the pre–World War II appeasement of Adolf Hitler are striking.

Citizens of Vienna, Austria, could tell something major had happened when they awoke on the morning of March 12, 1938. A strange new sound—the pounding of thousands of hobnailed boots marching on cobblestone pavement—announced the arrival of German army troops. On major public buildings, dozens of Nazi standards had been unfurled, their black swastikas stark against the white circles and red backgrounds.

Three days later, Adolf Hitler made his triumphant entry into the city. Cruising slowly toward Vienna’s huge public square, the Nazi dictator never broke a smile as he raised his hand in the Nazi salute.

Behind the stern face, however, Hitler had every reason to be satisfied. Austria had just become a part of the German Third Reich, and it had happened without a shot being fired.

In one of history’s greatest acts of international bullying, Hitler had threatened the leadership of the smaller nation of Austria with military intervention if it didn’t take steps that soon allowed the Nazis to assume control of Austria and merge it with Germany.

Return to appeasement?

Are we seeing today a return to a dangerous policy of appeasement? The West’s reaction to the current Russian incursions into Ukraine bear striking resemblance to 1938, when refusal to stand up to Hitler led to a devastating world war. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin boldly and ruthlessly annexed Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula and, seeing little meaningful resistance, gave support to pro-Russian insurgents in Ukraine’s eastern provinces, which he seeks to “liberate” from an increasingly Western-leaning Ukraine.

But there’s more to it than that. Once a KGB officer in Russia’s Communist era, Putin longs for what he sees as the glory days of the old Soviet Union. He and millions of Russians felt the sting of the loss of Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania in the breakup of the Soviet Union. Now the virtual dictator of Russia, Putin wants to bring these areas back into the Russian sphere.

As an old Cold War veteran, Putin is also distrustful of what he sees as increasing NATO encroachment on Russia’s western borders.

The similarities to the years leading up to World War II are unmistakable. Just as Adolf Hitler sought to annex German-speaking areas of Europe, such as Austria and the Sudetenland provinces of Czechoslovakia, into his greater German Reich, Putin is more than willing to help “liberate” Russian-speaking Ukrainian separatists in the eastern provinces as they seek to unite with Russia.

Eager to prevent another European war after World War I, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s September 1938 meeting with Hitler produced the infamous “Munich Pact,” in which Britain accepted Hitler’s annexation of the Sudeten areas of Czechoslovakia. Proclaiming “peace in our time,” Chamberlain came back to England with a worthless scrap of paper. Less than a year later, Hitler invaded Poland, and World War II had started. Before it ended, some 60 million people would die.

Neville Chamberlain earned the dubious distinction as perhaps history’s greatest appeaser. History has a way of repeating itself. Are we now seeing a replay of those tragic 20th-century events?

Polarization on Putin policies

Increasingly stringent economic sanctions imposed by both Europe and the United States have failed to change Putin’s aggressive behavior. As a result, the European Union in late January decided to extend the measures, which include travel restrictions, a freeze on Russian assets, and restrictions to European capital markets.

Russian reaction has been swift. Andrey Kostin, chief executive of Russia’s VTB Bank, labeled these measures “economic war” and said that while they hurt the Russian economy, they will also affect European security. In conjunction with the falling price of oil, the main Russian export, the sanctions have put Russia into a severe recession, compounded by an inflation rate exceeding 11 percent.

Now in place more than a year, the sanctions may be hurting Russia even more than originally intended, says Anders Aslund, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and former economic adviser to the Russian and Ukrainian governments in the 1990s:

“We can see that no money has been going into Russia after July [2014]. No financial institutions dared to provide Russia with any financing more than a month after that. And that we know from talking to banks. The point is that the [July] financial sanctions have worked out as far more severe in their effect than anyone seems to have believed” (PBS Frontline, Jan. 13, 2015).

Putin’s escapades in Ukraine, and implied threats to the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, have led to a dramatic increase in hardening European attitudes toward Putin and Russia.

As expected, Ukraine itself has seen the greatest shift in attitudes. Though the Ukrainians gained independence from Russia in the early 1990s, Russia has continued as Ukraine’s largest trading partner, and 80 percent of Ukrainians viewed Russia favorably as recently as 2013. That figure has dropped to 35 percent since Russia took over Crimea last year, with the majority of that coming from the largely Russian-speaking eastern provinces.

One wonders if Putin learned some propaganda lessons from Hitler’s experience. As Hitler preyed on German humiliation following World War I, Putin has played on the emotions of Russians stung by the loss of empire from 1989 to 1992, leading a clear majority of Russians—83 percent—to favor his actions.

Most Russians seem willing to ignore increasing economic hardship as the price to be paid for a return to Russian glory (Pew Global Attitude survey, as reported in The New York Times, July 9, 2014).

And just as the other European powers stood by in the late 1930s as Hitler gobbled up one European state after another, today France, Germany, Italy, Poland and other European nations stand by as Putin continues his aggression. Ukraine fights on alone with an army a fraction the size of the Russian forces and an increasingly crippled economy to support the effort.

Will Iran get nukes?

For more than a quarter century the leaders of Iran have pursued with single-minded determination their goal to acquire nuclear weapons. In spite of repeated assurances that a nuclear capability would be used only for peaceful purposes, current and past Iranian leaders have made no effort to hide their contempt for the tiny state of Israel and their determination to ultimately wipe it from the face of the earth.

Iran now has the means to deliver on its threats. Its arsenal of Shahab 3 missiles can deliver warheads up to 1,500 pounds to targets 1,200 miles away—putting Israel (and many U.S. military bases in the region) easily within range. The prospect of those missiles carrying nuclear warheads is chilling to Israel, which knows that one medium-sized nuclear weapon detonated over Tel Aviv could effectively annihilate the small Jewish state.

In the face of this danger, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been trying for years to warn the United States, Europe, and the world of the need to stop Iran’s nuclear efforts. Just as with Russia, harsh U.S. and European economic sanctions have crippled the Iranian economy but have failed to deter Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Like Russia, Iran has weighed the price and determined that the gain outweighs the pain.

March 2015 saw yet another Western extension in negotiations with Iran over a new agreement that would reduce economic sanctions in return for supposed iron-clad measures that would effectively delay Iran’s nuclear program for at least 10 years. U.S. President Barack Obama, eager to create a positive legacy for his final years in office, seems to want to go down in history as a peacemaker.

Many observers note that if he continues on the path of bowing to Iranian demands, he could go down in history as a latter-day Neville Chamberlain.

A growing chorus of pundits and others see the broad outlines of the agreement being negotiated with Iran as flawed, with sanctions being lifted in the face of few real guarantees that Iran would cease its nuclear program. As England did in 1938, would America give up critical security guarantees while hardly slowing Iran’s nuclear efforts? Would the current administration carry the appeasement stigma?

On March 18 Israelis went to the polls and reelected Netanyahu to a fourth term as prime minister of Israel. Less than two weeks before the election, he addressed the United States Congress, making an impassioned appeal for greater strength and resolve in the U.S.-Iranian nuclear negotiations.

“America’s founding document promises life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” Netanyahu told the U.S. Congress, “but Iran’s founding document pledges death, tyranny and the pursuit of Jihad.”  

He went on to remind the lawmakers of the recent Iranian record towards America: “Iran took dozens of Americans hostage in Tehran, murdered hundreds of American soldiers, Marines, in Beirut, and was responsible for killing and maiming thousands of American servicemen and women in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Negotiations with deadly implications

Iran, Netanyahu said, has been on the march in the Middle East, gobbling up territory and using its influence to gain power. It now effectively controls four Arab capitals: Baghdad, Beirut, Damascus and Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. “At a time when many hope Iran will join the community of nations, Iran has been gobbling up nations,” he said.

In short, says Netanyahu, Iran wants to pursue its stated goal of the destruction, first of Israel, then of the United States. To Iran’s radical leaders, Israel is the “little Satan” and America is the “great Satan.” Iran’s goal in the current negotiations is to give up as little as possible in its quest for nuclear weapons while ending the onerous sanctions.

Some of the partners in the nuclear talks with Iran want to see a halt to Iran’s nuclear development progress, which would mean the dismantling of its estimated 19,000 gas centrifuges needed to enrich uranium, as well as the destruction of its existing stocks of uranium. Vigorous, unrestricted inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency would also be part of the deal.

Although details of the negotiations are murky and at times contradictory, The New York Times in a March 18 story said the U.S. has proposed limiting Iran to 6,000 centrifuges and merely requiring reductions in its uranium stockpile. If Iran broke the treaty by denying inspections, they would then need at least a year to develop a nuclear weapon versus the few months that experts believe they now need.

However, the initial deal would not require the destruction of any of Iran’s nuclear facilities, while leaving most of its uranium-processing centrifuges intact. If it decided to duck inspections, it could have a nuclear weapon with a few months. Also, as currently negotiated, any restrictions on Iran’s nuclear development would expire in 10 years.

“Now, 10 years may seem like a long time in political circles, but it’s just a blink of an eye in the life of a nation,” Netanyahu said.

As the broad outlines of the deal emerged, skepticism grew. Netanyahu stated it unequivocally: “That deal will not prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. It will all but guarantee that Iran gets those weapons—lots of them.”

Observers from around the world are already comparing Barack Obama to Neville Chamberlain for his willingness to agree to such a one-sided deal.

As Richard Rogovin of the Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch stated it:

“Today we have a Neville Chamberlain in the White House . . . and a leadership in Iran that bears a striking resemblance to the Nazi regime in every way . . .

“Like many British in 1938, some Americans are tired of war and would rather appease our enemies than offend them. History is repeating itself before our eyes, but some of us are incapable of seeing this”.(Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch, “Obama Pulled a Neville Chamberlain,” March 18, 2015)

Speaking to the Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom, prominent Harvard legal expert Alan Dershowitz, not one known for conservative views, drew similar comparisons, saying that Barack Obama might go down as another Neville Chamberlain if Iran gets hold of a nuclear weapon. “It would be better to have no deal at all than a bad deal,” he said (Feb. 18, 2015).

Netanyahu’s speech galvanized Congressional opposition to what many Congressional conservatives see as a bad deal for Israel, the United States and the world. Less than a week after his speech, 47 U.S. senators signed a letter to Iran’s leaders, putting them on notice that any deal with Iran would need the approval of Congress before it could take effect.

Western weakness foretold

Our 21st century sees Russia and Iran bullying Ukraine and Israel. Wouldn’t it be nice if these problems would simply go away? But they won’t just go away. America and Europe have the power to deal with them, but can’t seem to act. Why have we lost the national and international will to do so?

“I will break the pride of your power,” God thundered to our ancestors more than 3,000 years ago (Leviticus 26:19). “And your strength shall be spent in vain” (Leviticus 26:20).

Almost daily we hear of new attacks by radical Islamists. Whether beheading Coptic Christians on a Libyan beach, shooting dozens of foreign tourists in a Tunisian museum, or simultaneous suicide bombers killing more than 130 in Yemen, the level of barbarism seems to know no bounds. What is the meaning of it all? And more importantly, when will it all end?

Long-time readers of this magazine know that the Bible foretells the broad outlines of major world events. While it does not provide the details of just how events will unfold, it does tell us how they will turn out.

The good news is that after a time of growing world turmoil and trouble, a time of peace is coming to the entire world. Peace will come to the Middle East, and to Europe, in a way that the governments of this world know nothing about. Jerusalem, a city fought over for thousands of years yet holy to three religions, will be the capital of a peaceful kingdom that will encompass the entire earth.

“Now it will come about that in the last days the mountain [symbolic of a kingdom in Bible prophecy] of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains, and will be raised above the hills [or smaller nations]; and all the nations will stream to it . . . The law will go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:2-3, New American Standard Bible)

A peaceful new world order is coming. But in the meantime, Jesus Christ has given us our marching orders:

“Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house . . . Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning—lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you I say to all: Watch!” (Mark 13:33-37).

Today we see history repeating itself. More than ever before, you need to be grounded in what is really important. Learn what God’s prophecies teach about our time, and be forewarned!

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.