
Lessons from the Desert

Speaker: Fred Crow 4/18/20 Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials…

Choose For Yourself This Day

Before the Exodus, the Lord struck Egypt with a series of plagues—some that affected both Egyptians and Israelites and some that impacted just the Egyptians. After hundreds of years in Egypt, the Israelites faced a choice of whether to obey…
Media Production

Unintended Consequences

The Bible shows us to think about the cause and effect of all of our actions.

Why Listen For The Trumpet?

The Feast of Trumpets represents the return of Jesus Christ. We know this will be accompanied by a trumpet blast heard around the world. But WHY are we listening? Is it only to save ourselves, or is there something more?

Who Gets Lied to the Most

Who gets lied to the most, and who does the lying? This message encourages us exercise introspection and determine if we could be deceiving ourselves in several potential ways that if left unaddressed could lead to difficult consequences.

The Prophet of God, The Man of God

1Kings13 - choices we make can have eternal consequences. See 4 lessons that we all can learn from this section of God's Word.

The Sum of All Your Choices

All choices have predetermined consequences that either embellish a life, or are detrimental to it. When making each of our life's choices we choose the accompanying consequence of that choice. Each accompanying consequence is certain. No person is immune to…

Trial and Consequences

Trials will happen, and all trials have consequences. What does God tell us in the Bible about how He will help us deal with the trial and its consequences?

The Consequences of Choosing To Fight In Wars

In a continuing series of messages focusing on aspects of the 6th Commandment ("Thou Shall Not Kill"), Jon Davies discusses the consequences for participating in military action and warfare - on the nations, and individuals.

The Greatest Scripture

Seiglie asks what is the greatest scripture in the Bible. He then supports his conclusion with five points showing how God has love for all, and how, eventually, all things work out for good.