
Lessons From the Desert

Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials and consequences.

Lessons from the Desert

Speaker: Fred Crow 4/18/20 Sometimes it's best to learn lessons through the experiences of others. Israel coming out of Egypt offers us a number of spiritual lessons we can learn so that we don't have to experience the same trials…

The Sum of All Your Choices

All choices have predetermined consequences that either embellish a life, or are detrimental to it. When making each of our life's choices we choose the accompanying consequence of that choice. Each accompanying consequence is certain. No person is immune to…

Isaiah 5

In this chapter God articulates the many sins of His richly blessed people in a parable of a failed vineyard and He prophesy’s the coming judgment due to these sins. This chapter also contains a lesson to be learned by…

Bible Study: Isaiah 5

In this chapter God articulates the many sins of His richly blessed people in a parable of a failed vineyard and He prophesy’s the coming judgment due to these sins. This chapter also contains a lesson to be learned by…

True Freedom Requires Accountability

People in the world desire freedom...from the consequence of their choices. True freedom requires one to be responsible and accountable for their choices, and their calling.

Consequences of Sin

Although God can forgive us for our actions upon repentance, the history of man, from Adam to present, proves the consequences of sin is long lasting and ultimately leads to death. The tangled mess that sin leaves behind, in all…

The Consequences of Choosing To Fight In Wars

In a continuing series of messages focusing on aspects of the 6th Commandment ("Thou Shall Not Kill"), Jon Davies discusses the consequences for participating in military action and warfare - on the nations, and individuals.

Thy Kingdom Come

God sees this world from a different perspective than man does. In this sermonette, Kirk Talbott discusses what God's view is of the crimes and sins that occur daily on this earth. Knowing that sin is abhorrent to Him, He…

True Repentance

There is worldly repentance and godly repentance. What is the difference between the two? The world teaches tolerance which leads to acceptance and approval of sin. Who defines sin? How do sin and the law of God relate? Who were…