Media Production

Maintaining a Contentment With Life

We are living in sobering and trying times, but life goes on. We must rely on God and learn to cope regardless of external pressures.

God is Not the Author of Boredom

What is boredom in the eyes of God. God desires contentment and thankfulness.


Rick discusses Biblical principles and what it means to be contempt in all things, yet active and productive.

Contentment and Covetousness

We are constantly bombarded with ads that tell us what we need to have. We live in a nation where we are constantly encouraged to spend. Do we need all the new inventions and things we see around us? How…

Can I Really Do All Things?

Philippians 4:13 is quoted often as a source for "proving" we can achieve anything because of Christ, but does this verse actually teach such a philosophy?

Contentment and Covetousness

We are constantly bombarded with ads that tell us what we need to have. We live in a nation where we are constantly encouraged to spend. Do we need all the new inventions and things we see around us? How…
Dear Readers

Dear Readers

Have you ever wanted something really badly? Where your thoughts and plans are wrapped up in it, your heart is set on it, you daydream about it whenever you have a quiet moment?

The Secret of Contentment

The emotion of contentment is often underrated. However, the Bible says it is an essential emotion in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Let's examine Philippians 4 regarding what the apostle Paul penned on this important subject.

The Riches of Contentment

There is a desire in man to want what he does not have, and to want more of what he already has – wealth, riches, power, fame, whatever it may be – but the true riches are found in contentment…

Coming Home

Being content with this life is not the goal we should be striving for, it is the next life, in God's family.