
Counselor Not Control

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/9/19 Dealing with uncertainty is a natural part of life and can lead to stress and anxiety. Our natural human reaction is to seek to control and manage uncertainty, but God's gift of His Spirit shows us…

What Are You Talking About?

Have you ever heard someone who talked a lot, but didn't say much? Or perhaps even worse, all they talked about was the negativity and downsides to life. As followers of Jesus Christ, what should our conversation reflect? In this…

Prayer Foundations

God shows us HOW to pray in detail with sample prayers in Matthew 6 and and expanded sample in Psalms 145.

God Knows His Own

Just as a shepherd will know his herd or flock, God knows his own. We should be conversing with God all the day in our thoughts; this is a concept of constant prayer. By constant prayer we are getting to…

Talking With God

A look at our relationship with God and how we cam better develop it and make it stronger by simply talking with God and have a conversation with him. Split sermon

How Important are Your Words?

It's by our words, that we'll be judged. Matt 12:37. Our words express who we are. How mindful are we in using our words?

Iron Sharpens Iron

How does iron sharpen iron? So what does it mean for man to sharpen his neighbor?

All Things to All People

How do we explain our faith to others of differing religions? Do we use the same approach for everyone? How can we explain the truth so that it is all things to all people?

A Beautiful Mind

As human beings we have the spirit of man. It is what makes us different than animals and turns our brain into a mind. God has also given us His Holy Spirit to help us. Eight points regarding God's Holy…

The if Factor

Once saved, always saved is a belief held by many in Protestantism today. A review of Bible scriptures that show that this belief is not supported by the Bible. What does the Bible say regarding salvation?