
Corrupting Christianity

Christianity has been under attack from corruption since the beginning. False doctrine has always tried to infiltrate God's truth. But there is no place in the truth for a lie. We have to beware of falsehoods and of being tired…

The Deeper Meanings of Salt

Salt preserves and it is changeless, and it has value throughout history. We will explore these two aspects.

From Corruption to Conversion

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 10/26/19 Location: Orinda Powerpoint for to Coincide with Sermon in Downloads Tab Corruption has been called a cancer that destroys individuals and societies.1 Corinthians 15:50 Paul makes it clear that a corrupt state cannot inherit the kingdom…

Idealism and Pragmatism

Many, if not most, young people start out as idealists – with a strong desire to change the world for the better. Once out into the working world, however, many lose this idealism when buffeted by “the cares of this…

The Loss of Honor

Watching the news, it is obvious that our society is becoming more violent, more amoral, and more corrupt. It is sad to see this happening as people continue to separate themselves from God or just basic morality. There is also…

The Parable of the Evil Vinedressers

How does this parable relate to us today and extend even beyond? Listen in to find out how to be a good "vinedresser."

Corrupted, But Not By Original Sin

Mankind has been corrupted, but it is not the fault of something many call the Original Sin.

If You Want to Change the World, Start with Yourself

On the Last Day of Unleavened Bread, Mr. Alan Gunn discusses sin, and getting sin out of our lives.

Leaving Sin Behind Us

Len Martin gives a sermon on the First Day of Unleavened Bread about leaving sin behind us

Escaping The Corruption That Is In This World Through Lust

Lust is tied to coveting. We must be able to see it in ourselves and overcome it. It is an unlawful desire centered on self. It originated with the corruption of Lucifer.