
December 25th and the Abomination of Desolation - Are They Related?

Many of the so-called "gods" of antiquity amazingly had their presumed birthday on December 25th. In this sermon by Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses this date and it's connection to the biblical Abomination of…

Would Jesus Keep Christmas?

The pastor reviews why Christmas should not be kept, and proves through scriptures that this holiday season is neither a way to honor God's name nor a correct form of worship.

Halloween: A Trick With No Treat

This message exposes the evil origins, history and traditions of Halloween. What does God think of such practices and what biblical instructions does He give us regarding these types of false worship?

What is True Holiness?

To live a life of holiness, we must to continue to learn from the scriptures about the nature and way of God.

Counterfeits Galore

$460 Billion worth of counterfeit goods were purchased worldwide last year. How can you tell the counterfeit from the real thing when it comes to the Spirit of God?

Being Tricked by Counterfeits

People can get tricked by fakes that look at first to be real. Reports of a different gospel being preached have been reveled. Some have floating doctrine based on cheap grace.

How Can We Identify Counterfeit Money

The best way to discern a counterfeit is to know the original first.

Exposing Satan's Counterfeit Jesus Christ

Do you serve the true Jesus Christ? Or could it be that you may have been influenced by the teachings the apostle Paul describes in II Corinthians 11:4 as another Jesus.

White Sunday vs Pentecost

How many have heard of White Sunday? Do you know what it means? When did society and Christians stop keeping Pentecost? In this sermon we see how White Sunday took place of Pentecost in society.

Passover and Its Deadly Imitations (Fatal Counterfeits)

What is the contrast between Easter & Sunday and Passover & Sabbath? Here is the history of the transition from the Passover & Sabbath to Easter & Sunday.