
Exposing The Cultural War On America

Powerful, dangerous forces are executing an all-out war in America, as in other Western nations. They are striving relentlessly to transform the culture into something previous generations would never recognize. You need to know not only what is happening and…

The War on Marriage and Family

There are forces at war in the world attacking God-ordained marriage which in turn threatens the survival of the traditional family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do…

How Should Christians Conduct Themselves In The Politically Correct War?

American society, as well as others in the Western world, are largely now constrained by restrictions promulgated by the ideas and beliefs of political correctness (PC). In this split-sermon, Jonathan Beam discusses what PC is, how it impacts society, and…

Ageless Hacks For Family Happiness

As a follow-up to a recent sermon on marriage principles ("Timeless Tips For Marital Bliss" - Sept 1, 2018), Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses important tips that will lead to happiness within the family.
A War on Men

A War on Men