
The Danger of Negativity

Conditions in the world can put us in the negative mood. Can that affect our spiritual life?

Unequally Yoked - Part 2

We can be unequally yoked in many ways—not just physically, but spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, etc. God does not want us to live this way. And it is not only spouses to whom this message applies, but also for singles and…

A Christian Survival Kit

When facing an extreme danger in life, it helps to be prepared - to have a survival kits, one that can have the physical items that might help us through a short period until the threat has passed. In this…

Joshua, Felix and Emergent "C"

In 2014, a skydiver set a new world's record for both height and speed as he jumped through the stratosphere from a balloon. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses his amazing feat in…

Like Sheep Among Wolves

Christ warned his followers about Wolves? Do you know what he meant ? Why he said it? What is there to be concerned about?

Big Trouble

Second split sermon in Spokane, Washington. Our nation today has a number of characteristics that point to its imminent demise. Staggering debt and breakdown of the family have damaged our society. In the Church, we must draw close to God…

What Is Your Dawn Wall?

In June of 2017, a skilled rock climber set out to conquer one of the most difficult places on earth to solo free climb - El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. In just under four hours, he performed a feat…

Seven Things God Will Allow Just Once

What are the seven very dangerous developments that we have seen during the past 100 years?

Add Discretion to Your Life

Solomon listed discretion as one of the important qualities that Christians should develop. In this sermonette Bob McCurdy discusses some aspects about discretion and why we should be striving to add it to our spiritual life.

Lessons from Picher, Oklahoma

Even when all the signs point to danger or trouble, comfort and familiarity can cause us to remain vulnerable.