
"Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls" (Proverbs 25:28).

Dating is exciting and fun, but it also calls for a great deal of self-restraint. Check out the material below for insight into the purpose of dating as well as how Christians should conduct themselves in such a relationship.


Sober Mindedness

Our society has put men under siege. How can we learn to value young men?

God's Will for Your Life

How much does God control? How much of what happens on earth is God’s will? Is it His will that people suffer? Is every success or failure in your life God’s will?
Girl and guy sitting on a dock looking at the sunset

How Far Is Too Far?

Within dating are some challenges, one of the more complicated ones being “How far is too far?”
a man and woman in silhouette against a city skyline and starry sky, holding hands and leaning back mid-twirl

Dating Outside the Church

Yep, another article about dating outside the Church, but this one is from someone with relevant experience! Read it, there is valuable insight to be had, we promise!
Dating Doesn't Have to Break Your Heart

Dating Doesn't Have to Break Your Heart

We might not always understand God’s timing, but we do know His will for us never requires us to sin.
A question that many teens may ask is “Should I date someone who is not part of the church I attend?” Scripture does warn us to “guard our hearts.” As Christians we must be careful not to give our heart away too easily.

The Dating Dilemma

More and more voices in society attempt to challenge the basic principles from God’s Word in regard to marriage, claiming it’s out-of-date and seeking to change its definition. And along with that, some of those same principles for dating are...
man and woman holding hands

Vertical News

Marriage commitment is key to stronger families.
Media Production

Three Traits to Avoid when Looking for a Husband

When my daughters were teens I told them to be particularly aware of three traits in a boy because these traits influence what kind of man he would become.
Abortion: The Right Choice?


A man and woman holding hands walking in a park in the fall.

Choose Love

Hollywood may tell us we're helpless when it comes to falling in love. But the reality is we can rule over our emotions and make wise choices.