Media Production

One Way to Survive the Next Crisis

There is one important step you can take to make sure you survive and make it through the next trial.


We are all under the death penalty because of our sins. Romans 6:23. Because of the sacrifice of Christ that debt has been paid.

A Lesson in Forgiveness

1. All are debtors to God, 2. None of us can pay our own debts, 3. Christ payed our debts, 4. Since our debts are forgiven, we are expected to forgive others, 5. The unforgiving will never come to their…

The Jubilee

This sermon discusses the Jubilee year in detail. We learn how this event foreshadows the character of the Messiah and how He interacts with man.

Managing What God Has Given Us

How well do we manage the blessing of the money God shares with us? Some do very well because they have learned and have the discipline to manage their finances. On the other hand, there are many of us who…

Are Forgiveness and Mercy the Same?

We often use the terms forgiveness and mercy interchangeably because, after all, they are synonyms in our language. However, when we read about them in the bible, are they really the same? This sermonette investigates what forgiveness is as a…

Yeast, Sin, and Debt

The action of yeast to make bread rise is associated with the development of sin which is likened unto debt. The principles of coming out of debt provide insight into coming out of sin.


Rick Jensen discusses the status of our nation's debt and the Biblical definition of debt and how it relates to sin.

Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Entire Land

On the Day of Atonement, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, GA, discusses the proclamation that occurred on this day announcing the year of the Jubilee and the freedom, physically and spiritually, that will occur on this…

Principles of Biblical Finance

Listen to this sermon to learn how to be a good steward of financial blessings God has given you.