
Be Not Deceived

Christ warned us to take precaution and not be deceived because a world was coming where even the elect would be overwhelmed by false teachings and succumb to them. Everyone, even our children, is now being inundated with evil disguised…

Whole Armor of God

Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Fundamental Belief #3: Satan the Devil

Sermon on the attributes of Satan and his clever devices through the lens of his direct interactions with Jesus Christ.

Deception of the Ages

In the Olivet Prophecy, Jesus told His disciples that religious deception would be one of the signs of His second coming. The world has always had religious confusion and deception, but just prior to His return, it will get much…


Our day of Atonement is to move beyond Satan’s deception and to gain Godly character.

Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?

Have you ever encountered someone who appeared genuine, only to learn later they did not have your best interests in mind? These are sometimes referred to as 'Wolves in Sheep's clothing.' Jesus Christ referred to this strange creature and warned…


Our day of Atonement is to move beyond Satan’s deception and to gain Godly character.

Historical Origins of the Doctrine of The Immortality of The Soul

Where did the false concept of immortality of the soul come from? Learn how Satan's subtle exercise in mass-education has deceived the entire world.
Media Production

One Way to Avoid Deception

An interesting verse in 2 Thessalonians shows us how to avoid being deceived.

The Church is at War With Satan

The Church of God has a mandate to: 1. expose Satan 2. warn people of his devices 3. teach them how to defend themselves